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About voice & internet service section

Experience the best voice & internet service with a GP SIM today!

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Grameenphone VoLTE

Grameenphone VoLTE

Grameenphone VoLTE brings you the next generation of voice communication through advanced technology. This new technology enables its consumers to make voice call through 4G network instead of switching to 2G or 3G network. The benefits of VoLTE include crystal clear voice quality which is better than 2G and 3G networks, ability to connect calls much faster and greatly improved device battery life.

Benefits of Grameenphone VoLTE

Fastest Call Connection Connect calls much faster than before
Ultra HD Voice Call Have crystal clear conversations
Simultaneous Voice & InternetMake calls without disrupting 4G internet sessions
Better Battery Performance
Save battery charge & improve battery life

To Try Out Grameenphone VoLTE

4G Coverage
VoLTE Enabled Handset
Updated OS
Enable Switch


Grameenphone VoLTE Header Section

Grameenphone VoLTE

Grameenphone VoLTE brings you the next generation of voice communication through advanced technology. This new technology enables its consumers to make voice calls through 4G network instead of switching to 2G or 3G network. The benefits of VoLTE include crystal clear voice quality which is better than 2G and 3G networks, the ability to connect calls much faster and greatly improved device battery life.

Benefits of GP VoLTE Service

Ultra HD Voice Call

Better Battery Performance

Fastest Call Connection

Simultaneous Voice & Internet

What kind of solution are you looking for? Select all that apply

HOME 4g card section

Experience life at 4G speed!

  • Buffer-free Streaming
  • Smooth Gaming
  • Super fast download/ upload
  • HD video calling

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How GPAY Works


GPAY কিভাবে কাজ করে?

GPAY ব্যবহারের ক্ষেত্রে, গ্রাহকগণ অ্যাপ স্টোর/গুগল স্টোর থেকে GPAY মোবাইল অ্যাপ ডাউনলোড এবং এই অ্যাপটির মাধ্যমে রেজিস্ট্রেশন করতে পারবেন। গ্রাহকগণ চাইলে যেকোনো মোবাইল হ্যান্ডসেট থেকে *৭৭৭# ডায়াল করে রেজিস্ট্রেশন করতে পারবেন। রেজিস্ট্রেশন সম্পূর্ণ হলে, গ্রাহকগণ উপরে উল্লিখিত যেকোনো সার্ভিসের বিল পরিশোধ করতে পারবেন। GPAY ওয়ালেট রিফিল করতে গ্রাহকগণ তাদের ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্ট (রকেট, এবি ব্যাংক, ইসলামি ব্যাংক) অথবা যেকোনো মোবিক্যাশ আউটলেট ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন।

                                              GPAY Easy Registration

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Internet pack accordions

Make your own plan and enjoy great savings! Only for GP Customers


  • Internet packs can be activated through MyGP, USSD, MFS, IVR, Customer Service, GP website and any other Grameenphone Authorized Retail & Digital Channels
  • Auto-renew option of any internet pack is turned OFF by default (except BS prepaid and post- paid customers). However, customer can turn ON Auto Renewal feature after or during package activation.
  • To turn ON/OFF auto renew option after package activation, visit MyGP or dial *121*3#.
  • To check internet balance, please dial *121*1*4#.
  • After expiration (Volume or Validity) of every internet pack maximum PayGo charge will be 6.95 Taka (inclusive VAT, SD & SC)
  • Unused data Volume will be carried forward if the customer purchases the same pack within the active validity period or in case of successful auto renewal.
  • To Cancel your Internet Package, dial *121*3041#.
  • To enjoy higher internet speed, customers need to use a 4G/5G enabled phone & 4G SIM.
  • Average likely speed will depend on multiple factors such as handset, website visited, distance from BTS, time of the day, etc.
  • To check internet speed customer can visit (Data Charge Applicable)
  • During pack purchase, any prior subscription free or emergency balance usage will be deducted from the amount recharged for pack or offer purchase. In that case internet pack or Offer that you have selected may not be activated.

Alphaneumeric ID GBValidityPrice (MRP)USSD
GPD240124A7 (1GB/Day)7179*121*3179#
GPD240123AUninterrupted daily Data Package, FUP of Maximum 512kbps after 5GB7269*121*3269#
GPD240124B30 (1GB/Day)30499*121*3444#
GPD240123BUninterrupted daily Data Package, FUP of Maximum 512kbps after 5GB30998*121*3999#
GPD240118C1.0129Scratch Card
GPD240118D1.0349Scratch Card
GPD240116A2.29729Scratch Card
GPD240117A0.49748Scratch Card
GPD240054X25Valid Till Y-20391049*121*3017#
GPD240054X50Valid Till Y-20391649*121*3318#
GPD240054X75Valid Till Y-20392149*121*3319#

Know More About VoLTE

VoLTE (Voice over LTE) is a technology that enables voice calling over 4G. Also, users can experience HD quality crystal clear voice with faster call setup time. Without VoLTE, your phone must drop back to 2G and 3G during voice calls. VoLTE allows users to stay on the 4G network during voice calls and can continue to have un-interrupted high-speed 4G internet experience. VoLTE calls will be charged in exactly the same manner as 2G and 3G voice calls. There are no additional data charges.

HD Voice Calls: Crystal clear conversations as if you are right next to each other. Faster Call Connect: Call setup time is way faster than normal calls. Efficient Multi-tasking: You can now make calls without disrupting your 4G internet sessions Improved Battery Life: You will experience less battery drain during call and internet sessions. To enjoy our VoLTE services, both caller and receiver should ensure the pre-requisites.

To enjoy our VoLTE services, both caller and receiver should ensure following:

  • USIM/4G SIM. This should be inserted in the SIM slot with data capability and “network mode” as 4G/3G/2G (Auto)
  • VoLTE enabled Handset and enable VoLTE option in the phone
  • To be in GP 4G coverage.
  • Need to have the upgraded OS Software provided by your handset manufacturer

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MyGP Services




MyGP Services page options

All new dashboard with everything you need

The all new dashboard lets you check your balance, remaining data, talk-time, and SMS all in a snapshot.



Explore the all-new section in MyGP where you can watch sports, movies, drama, play games, stay updated on weather, news and much more.


Create Your Own Plan With Flexiplan

Now create all your favorite bundles using Flexiplan and enjoy 10% data bonus exclusively on MyGP.


Discover Offers Tailored Just For You

Find offers and packs made just for you. Moreover, you’ll also get exclusive 10% internet bonus and earn GP Points while buying your favorite packs from .


Get FREE Internet & SMS With Reward Points

Earn reward points with purchases from MyGP and use them to get exclusive FREE internet and SMS packs.


Easily Manage Your GP Accounts And Services

Get full control over your package plans, history, and account balance. Easily manage services like FnF, Welcome Tune, and Missed Call Alert. You can also link up to 3 mobile numbers & maximum 15 IoT devices to get full control over your account balance, package, plans and other necessities.


Our Commitment

Our commitment is to do business in a responsible way that helps to create value for its people, shareholders and society as well as empower and sustain the world for generations to come

Our Partners

Our four Value Drivers

Be the leading customer centric technology provider to unleash the potential of Bangladesh and continue growing shareholder value

STAR Privileges

STAR Privileges

  • Priority Customer Support

    Your complaints handled on a priority basis

  • Free Sim Replacement

    SIM replacement is completely free for Platinum Plus and Platinum!

  • Priority Service at GP Experience Centers

    GP Experience Gulshan, GEC & Bashundhara

mygp app page features block


mygp app page options

All new dashboard with everything you need

The all new dashboard lets you check your balance, remaining data, talk-time, and SMS all in a snapshot.



Explore the all-new section in MyGP where you can watch sports, movies, drama, play games, stay updated on weather, news and much more.


Create Your Own Plan With Flexiplan

Now create all your favorite bundles using Flexiplan and enjoy 10% data bonus exclusively on MyGP.


Discover Offers Tailored Just For You

Find offers and packs made just for you. Moreover, you’ll also get exclusive 10% internet bonus and earn GP Points while buying your favorite packs from MyGP.


Get FREE Internet & SMS With Reward Points

Earn reward points with purchases from MyGP and use them to get exclusive FREE internet and SMS packs.


Easily Manage Your GP Accounts And Services

Get full control over your package plans, history, and account balance. Easily manage services like FnF, Welcome Tune, and Missed Call Alert. You can also link up to 3 mobile numbers & maximum 15 IoT devices to get full control over your account balance, package, plans and other necessities.
