February is the month we celebrate all languages, however, for some people, the profoundly deaf, language as we speak or hear it, does not exist. But does this mean they cannot express themselves? No, the profoundly deaf do have a language for communication though, which consists of physical signs. But how many people around us know this special language? Can the profoundly deaf freely communicate with the rest of the community?
The purpose of Grameenphone is to empower societies. We believe every human being is same, and everyone has the right to freely express and communicate. The power of communication is immense. Through communication we can do wonders. Hence we strive to provide everyone with access to high speed mobile internet, and with internet, all it takes is a little effort to see, understand and learn sign language, and to make the world a much more accessible place for the profoundly deaf.
If you feel this is a just and necessary cause, and would like to be part of our campaign to ensure accessible and easy communication for the profoundly deaf, please check out the basic sign language tutorials we have prepared for you. We are learning, and so can you.